DOGROY interviews Ross ‘Ignorant’ Brunton, creator and lord of Columbia Comedy Club

Mr. Ross with a kind message for all ♥

Shplain who y'are.

I'm a great fella who sells drink

What are ya at?

In me pub

Where'd ya come outta?

Me mammy

What brings ya to these here parts? (Columbia bar, Mullingar)


Wha'd'ya make o' this fine place?

I kinda designed it

What's yer greatest crime?

Being put in charge of Columbia

What's yer weapon of choice?


If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?




Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.

Top row from left: Alex J Byrne, Ana Milena, Rob Nother, Ross “Ignorant” Brunton, Alan Jay Byrne

Bottom: DOGROY